Head of Waterbuck At Lake Nakuru in Kenya
Head of Vervet MonkeyHead of Vervet Monkey in B&W
Young African Elephant scratching its earYoung African Elephant scratching its ear. A funny situation I catch in Samburu in Kenya, where there were no time to do anything than shoot it. ;) (time to open aperture more or zoom more closely for smaller DOF).
I would have preferred a more blurred background, which could be done in PS but I normally don't change my photo of wildlife that much.
Got you ..Black Headed Heron eating frock.
Mom' take care ..Young African Elephant behind its mother.
Cheers, Henning.
Masai Mara. Løvehun slikker sig om munden efter et godt måltid.Masai Mara. Løvehun slikker sig om munden efter et godt måltid.
En ungt føl af Samburu giraf med det meget tydlige mønstertegningSamuru
En ungt føl af Samburu giraf med det meget tydlige mønstertegning